The Calf Barn
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The Calf Barn

I thread through the sleeping calves, careful not to wake them. But the infamous number 5 spots me and jumps straight into the air. He’s in such a hurry to get away that he stumbles over his front feet, doing a somersault and spending a few seconds in a dazed pile before running off again, a little more cautiously this time.

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It’s Calving Season!
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It’s Calving Season!

Calving season runs from January - March, every year. As you can imagine, this is hard work! We only get one calf crop per year, and with one year of gestation and two till their first progeny, managing a cow herd is like steering a cruiseliner, and many an operation has run aground from only a few years of poor mating choices. Learn all of the insider details in our latest from the ranch!

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